Our sustainability promise
At the GreenCove, we hold a deep regard for our team, partners, travelers, and the communities we engage with, as well as the environment we collectively inhabit. We firmly believe in ongoing education to drive progress towards a positive environmental impact through our operations and lifestyle choices.
Central to our mission is the reduction of our ecological footprint in luxury travel industry, along with our commitment to fair-labor practices and community empowerment. Here’s an outline of our guiding principles and how we plan to make a difference:
Our guiding principles:
As a registered company, we prioritize effective management and compliance across all locations. We follow all laws and regulations and aim to go above and beyond when possible.
Our decisions are always based on environmentally conscious practices.
We ensure that our staff is fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and committed to improving it.
We try to lead by example and inform our clients and suppliers about sustainable alternatives to the status quo.
We regularly review, report, and improve our sustainability performance. Transparency and clear reporting ensure that we stay accountable and take action where necessary.
Practical steps we take:
When holding personal meetings and doing site visits, we choose sustainable transport options like walking, cycling, or public transport whenever possible.
We utilize virtual meetings and encourage alternative working arrangements like home-offices to reduce unnecessary travel.
We recycle office waste, use energy-efficient equipment, and minimize paper usage.
We invest in purchasing office furniture and products from well-managed, sustainable sources.
In financial proposals, we consider the full costs of sustainable transport options rather than just the cheapest ones.
We ensure that our associates are aware of sustainable alternatives when advising suppliers and travelers.
If you want to know more about our sustainability efforts, feel free to reach out. Together, we can create a better, more sustainable future.

Butterfly Mark sustainability certificate
The GreenCove is the first DMC in Northern Europe to proudly hold the Butterfly Mark, a symbol of the Real Changemakers in luxury. It embodies our philosophy of embracing progress rather than seeking perfection, prioritising challenging work over easy wins, and staying dedicated to constant improvement. Powered by Positive Luxury, the Butterfly mark is exclusively awarded to brands that uphold increasingly higher standards for both people and the environment.
Obtaining the certification was no small feat! To gain the Butterfly Mark, you must undergo an expert-led, independent assessment, built upon international agreements, global frameworks, and existing standards, while also anticipating potential forthcoming legislation. And to maintain it, re-certification is needed every two years. This ongoing process ensures that we continuously improve our performance to meet rising standards and align with the best sustainability practices.
For those curious about the specifics, we invite you to explore our Butterfly Mark Passport. By clicking on the certification below, you can see a detailed breakdown of our performance in the Butterfly Mark Assessment.